Friday, February 22, 2008

School cuts

I'm amazed at the boldness of politicians now a days. Steve Beasher has been in office less than half a year and he already is making decisions that people are hating him for. The issue I'm talking about is the budget cuts that will cause a 15% increase in tuition's of Kentucky colleges. Why is it, whenever the budget is an issue or money is tight, that the government of the state of Kentucky looks to cut money for higher education? In a speech made to the House Budget Review Subcommittee on Education, President Wayne D. Andrews of Morehead State University stated that, " If this budget stands, our students will pay a larger share than the state provides for the second straight year. We try each day to operate efficiently so that we can keep our position as the state’s best tuition value among the universities. That is even more important when you consider that we have the highest percentage of students eligible for need-based financial aid such as Pell and CAP grants. In fact, we have so many students in that demographic that almost 50 percent of our full-time students last year had their tuition paid by a grant or scholarship. Is it easy to raise tuition for students, many of whom are already struggling to pay current rates? Absolutely not! It is my firm belief that there is not a public university administrator in this nation, much less in this state, who could keep his or her institution academically effective or operationally efficient while giving up these large amounts of state funding."( Pres. Wayne D. Andrews)
This has not only got political junkies in on this, but also the college students are getting involved. On
Facebook (a popular website for communicating with friends) people have started groups in protest to Steve Beshear and the budget cuts. If in Kentucky Education Pays, why is this even an issue? Education should be the last thing to get cut if we even what to hope to have a future. If they keep raising tuition each year, sooner or later only a select few could get an education; Doctors, Lawyers, judges, and every other profession that needs a college education will be next to extinct. I believe it is in the states interest to help education, not for rankings among states, but for the well-being of the people in general.

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