Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Executive branch

Executive branch is the branch of government that is headed by the president and there are certain pros and cons if you will of having a strong Executive branch. Usually the strength of an Executive branch is a good leader and fresh ideas and a plan to lead this country to better and beyond. There is also a down side to this; the president has this privilege of what political junkies call the “Bully Pulpit” which is basically when they talk people tend to listen to whatever they say, they may not believe it or act on it but they listen. One great example is the War in Iraq, most of the folks in Congress will tell you that they were swayed by the President to go to war. Other examples in history would be Andrew Jackson taking land from the Indians even though Congress told him he wasn’t allowed to. The system of checks and balances we have in our government today was set up for a reason and let’s hope that we figure it out before something like this happens again.

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